A big thank you also, to those who have already booked onto one of the One Day Workshops. A few more places have booked up since I did the image above, spaces really are filling up fast. I've limited class sizes to a maximum of 4, which I believe will stay in place until Christmas. If that eases, then I will be able to release a few more places on the courses. If you want to see what courses are available click here.
Oh and the Weekly Classes, they are also limited to a max of 4 students. We were 2 weeks into a 7 week block when the Lockdown happened, so we're now playing catch up. The next set of classes are due to start in September, but I do check with current students whether they want to return and offer the places to them first. If you're interested in signing up though, I do have a waiting list, please do let me know if you'd like to be added.
If you have any concerns about attending a workshop or class at The Fox Studios, then I've put some information together which you can read here. I'm doing everything I can to make the workshop a safe place for you to come and learn how to make your own sparkly jewellery. There's hand sanitiser, wipes, disinfectant, lots and lots of soap, safe distancing including empty workbenches so that you can sit safely apart, as well as barriers, oh and lots of fresh air as I'll have all the windows open, oh and some fab floor stickers. Please ask if you have any questions though.
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